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1. Before booking your driving lessons you are invited to view our passes with our Franchise instructors on the home page of our website at

1.2 Booking your lessons

The first lesson can be booked by calling Head Office on Telephone Number 01472 691776 our experienced Office Staff will give you full details of our fantastic beginner’s course driving lessons and make a booking there and then for you with your nearest Franchised driving instructor.

1.3 After taking your booking you will receive an appointment card and full price list in the post by Royal Mail.

2. Payment for your driving lessons

2.1 Pupils are to pay cash at the time of the lesson, payment to be made on entering the car. Thank you.

2.3 We currently do not accept payment for lessons by cheque or debit / credit card – Cash only. Thank you.

3. Your franchise driving instructor

3.1 All driving instructors working with the school do so on a franchise basis.

3.2 Your contract for driving lessons is between you and the Franchise driving instructor.

3.3 All cash is paid directly to the instructor, a receipt will be given on your request. The driving instructor works with the School on a self employed franchise basis and the instructor has agreed to settle any dispute or litigation claims regarding payment or non-payment of fees for motor vehicle tuition.

4. Cost of driving lessons

4.1 The charges for motor vehicle tuition are given on our website. The school reserves the right to alter the said price of the lessons at any time.

4.2 We have a great beginner’s course. 5 lessons for £165 for manual cars. This course is constructed as follows: 5 lessons at the start of your training.

4.3 Thank you for choosing Systematic UK School of Motoring Ltd (Franchise outlet).

4.4 Applying to take your driving tests.

Your Franchise driving instructor will advise you when to put in for your theory test. After passing the theory test, when you are up to practical test standard you will be advised by your Franchise driving instructor to put in for your practical test. He/she will give you a code number to book the test. Any pupil booking their practical driving test without the code number means the pupil wishes to take the practical driving test in their own car and forfeits the remaining 4 lessons on their beginner’s course.

4.5 Single driving lessons can be booked direct with your Franchise driving instructor, the cost is given on our website.

4.6 Course driving lessons another great deal to save you money once again we offer pupils a 10, 20, 30 or 40 hour driving course at discounted rates. See website for full costs.

4.7 To qualify for our beginner’s course, pupils must be in possession of a provisional licence and had no driving experience, or less than 5 hours driving – But no professional tuition or driving abroad or driving on private land, for example farm vehicles.

5. Cancelled, moving or altered driving lessons

5.1 It is hereby agreed by the pupil that he/she will give more than 48 hours notice to cancel, move or alter any driving lesson or driving test.

5.2 By giving more than 48 hours notice it enables your Franchise driving instructor to fit another pupil in where you have dropped out.

5.3 The method of cancelling a driving lesson is by a text direct to your Franchise driving instructor.

5.4 The cost of less than 48 hours notice to cancel, move or alter any driving lesson is the price of one single lesson, or with any non-payment the Franchise driving instructor will claim back one of your outstanding beginner’s course lessons due to be received at the end of your training.

6. Refunds
In the unlikely event the pupil is unhappy with the training given by the Franchise driving instructor and you have paid in advance, it will be refunded on written request to Head Office by the Franchise instructor at the following rates. Each lesson taken by the pupil will be charged at the single lesson rate and the refund will be calculated accordingly.

7. Complaints Procedure
In the unlikely event of a complaint or monetary complaint: All cheques or monies are paid directly to the Franchise driving instructor who works with the school on a Self Employed franchise basis and has agreed to settle all litigation claims regarding payment or non-payment of fees for
motor vehicle tuition.

7.1 Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions are accepted by the pupil on booking their second lesson.

7.2 Arbitration
Both parties hereby agree that in the unlikely event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, it may be referred to an English Arbitration Court as governed by the laws of England and Wales.

8. Success
Finally the team at Head Office and your Franchise driving instructor wish you every success with your driving lessons and your theory and practical tests and sincerely hope you enjoy learning to drive with our successful team.

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